All The Way Home: Frank Sinatra – NewzBreaker Music Video of the Day

Aida Mounkes Joins the Writing Team at NewzBreaker

Aida Mounkes and NewzBreaker CEO/Publisher “Bad” Brad Berkwitt go back over 16 years, when they became fast friends, while serving in the Navy across the world in Seoul, South Korea in 2002. At that time, “Bad” Brad knew that Aida had writing talent and encouraged her to write her first book, which she did shortly thereafter. Those years led to her becoming the newest Feature Writer on NewzBreaker. On behalf of the entire team, we welcome her aboard.
All Alone: Frank Sinatra – NewzBreaker Music Video of the Day

April In Paris: Frank Sinatra – NewzBreaker Music Video of the Day

Be Like the Gorilla – Health Commentary!

Meal plans, lots of protein powder, increase on carbs…equals…big muscles?
Ask yourself: What is it I’m actually working out for: just to look healthy, or truly be healthy? Let’s hope it’s the latter.
Did you know that you don’t need any of those things I mentioned above in order to attain amazing results from your workouts?
Tati’s World: Slug Life Never Stops!

Some of my readers already know I slug to work every day of the work week. Slugging is a form of legal hitchhiking, to catchup on the slug terms, rules and regulations please check out my first slug life column. Since I’m riding with strangers daily you know I have an abundance of crazy stories.
I know I’ve spoken about aggressive drivers, dirty cars and stank breath folks but I’ve never really discussed rude drivers. With many situations in life we’re guaranteed to run into some rude people, but nothing irritates me most like being stuck in the car with a rude ass person.
Rock Me Tonite: Billy Squier – NewzBreaker Music Video of the Day

The Mafia Chronicles: Reception At Las Vegas’ Mob Museum Caps MobWorld Summit

The featured event for the MobWorld Summit this summer in Las Vegas is set.
A reception on Saturday, June 16, at the Mob Museum will serve as the highlight of the three-day Summit. The Summit kicks off on Friday, June 15, and ends on Sunday, June 17.
Richard Bryan, a former Nevada governor and U.S. senator, is scheduled to be guest of honor at the June 16 reception in the museum.
Bryan, who helped guide the state through a boom period of growth during his career as a public official and attorney, serves on the museum’s board of directors.
Sooner Or Later: The Grass Roots – NewzBreaker Music Video of the Day

Tati’s World: Black Panther Movie Review – Wakanda Forever!

I have been excited to see the movie Black Panther for months and this past Thursday night my wait was finally over. I attended a premier hosted by a local African American history tour company, the event itself had a red carpet, photo ops with Black Panther and swag bags. Let me tell you when black people are excited about something, we show up and show out! There were at least 1000 people there just for the event and most of the people came dressed up in Afrocentric garb. I even ordered an African Print shirt and headwrap from a store in the UK just for the event.
You Are Already Enough – Lifestyle Commentary

Comparison…many say it’s the thief of joy.
We live in a society that literally trains us to constantly compare ourselves to others. Whether it be about looks, fame, financial status, we can always find something to make us feel less.
You turn on the television and the commercials advertise auto-insurance to remind you, you don’t even have a car. You go on Instagram, scroll past an image of a cat playing with string, and it’s received 10 million likes. Actually, cats are the most liked animal on the internet, and a lot cuter than humans, but I digress. We are becoming more and more superficial because superficiality is constantly trending. You’re cool if you wear the most popular clothing brands, or purchased the newest IPhone.
Shalisia Petrova Joins the NewzBreaker Writing Team

Shalisia Petrova is our newest Feature Writer on NewzBreaker. Look for her commentary on many things that affect our daily life’s. On behalf of the writing team, we welcome her aboard.
Rainbow ’80: Gene Chandler – NewzBreaker Music Video of the Day

No More ‘I Love You’s’ (Live) – Annie Lennox – NewzBreaker Music Video of the Day

Tati’s World: If You Have Your Blinds Open I Will Look!

Just like the ghost whispered to Kevin Costner’s character “If you build it, they will come”, and if you leave the blinds open I will look. At least every other household in my complex prefers to leave the blinds open in the evening with every light turned on. Do they know that people can see inside and do they think that people won’t look? I’m looking! Even when I don’t want to look, I end up looking by mistake. That “mistake look” is always with the one couple with the bed right by the window, on a first floor apartment! Their bed is so close to the window it might as well be outside, and they always have the blinds all the way open. I always catch their eye when I walk out the building and see them in bed, looking right at me. The first time I saw them, I felt creepy. Now I’m used to it, I guess they like feeling like they’re on Reality TV.
What Would They Say: Paul Williams – NewzBreaker Music Video of the Day

Legendary Comedian Marty Allen Dead at 95 – Cause of Death Revealed

Legendary comedian and actor Marty Allen has died in Las Vegas at the age of 95.
His spokeswoman Candi Cazau says Allen died Monday night of complications from pneumonia. His wife and performing partner Karon Kate Blackwell was by his side.
Allen first found worldwide fame in the duo of Allen & Rossi with his straight man Steve, who died in 2014.
Italian Crooner Vic Damone Dead at 89 – Music News

Legendary Italian crooner Vic Damone passed away yesterday at the age of 89. He was beloved by many, especially in the days when music was beautiful and played in almost every home throughout the US.
Damone, whose smooth baritone led Frank Sinatra to famously declare he “had the best pipes in the business,” died at Mount Sinai Medical Center in Miami Beach, Fla., surrounded by several close relatives.
Patches: Clarence Carter – NewzBreaker Music Video of the Day

Elvira: Oak Ridge Boys – NewzBreaker Music Video of the Day

All By Myself: Eric Carmen – NewzBreaker Music Video of the Day

Pancho & Lefty: Willie Nelson & Merle Haggard – NewzBreaker Music Video of the Day

Tati’s World: I Have “Toilet Anxiety”!

I can’t poop in public. According to WebMD I have what is called “Toilet Anxiety”, which eventually leads to cancer and death, because everything leads to cancer and death on WebMD. So, like a dog, I’ve trained my body to only “let go” in a certain place and when I go out of town this truly messes me up. I’m literally full of shit until I can’t hold it anymore. Not only can I not “GO” comfortably in public or out of town, if you throw other people in the mix it’s a full blockage, I can’t even talk on the phone and poop. I need relaxing music and I must have something to read. If I don’t have a book, magazine, phone, even a shampoo bottle to read than I have trouble going. Pooping is a very important ritual for me and my entire family knows the deal, even the dog! Sometimes I have to kick my dog out of my room because I can hear him breathing outside the bathroom door and it’s distracting the process.
Countdown To A Successful Retirement – Finance Commentary
For so many retirement is a dream. Something that other people can do. Then for others retirement might be a reality but how do you know when you are ready? It is a very different subject altogether when you are talking about being able to afford retirement.
The most successful retirements go through an emotional process. An almost five step emotional process much like the emotional process for grieving. Retirement is a completely different chapter to your life so I choose to think of it like a countdown. So let us take a real look at the emotional countdown to retire!